it feels weird to be writing about normal things in this weird time but i thought it would be nice to share how felix is doing with friends, family and followers. these past 18 months have been a complete whirlwind and having little ones during this surreal time has been really strange, especially in our small space.

felix is now walking and running and climbing. he’s obviously gotten taller as he can reach the door handles, and tries to shut and open doors. he frequently opens up the cupboard and helps himself to a fistful of cereal much to everyone’s dismay. he hates waking up from his afternoon nap and is often hangry so we’ve started giving him something to eat around 10.30/11, a nap around 11.30-12noon and then more food when he wakes up, as well as milk with nap time. his favourite meal remains spag bol.

he loves building blocks with his toys, shaking a tambourine and playing the maracas. he’s also played evie’s recorder a few times right in my ear which is nice of him. he also loves music and dances with this cute little jump wiggle which is so funny. he also loves playing chase with evie, or trying to find us if we hide and say boo.

his most used word is no but he can also say mummy, daddy, narna, i know, i don’t know, where is he, (usually when adam has gone to bed after a night shift or is still in bed) hi and bye. he repeats things when we ask like pepper, baby and other two syllable words. he hasn’t managed evie yet, much to her sadness. he also screeches a lot. usually if we ask “are you okay” he will respond with yes or no but obviously he doesn’t know what that means. or maybe he does or at least he’s starting too. i know, however, he does not like being told no, and we have had a glimpse into those tantrums from the terrible twos.

i have to admit i really love this age. it’s tiring because you are constantly chasing after them and the quote ‘silence is golden, unless you are a toddler, then silence is suspicious’ is so apt for felix right now. he is so funny and his character and little voice is getting stronger and stronger. he’s begining to give big cheesy grins for the camera and he loves to give an arm stroke if he feels like you haven’t given him enough cuddles. he has started bringing us his coat and shoes when he wants to go out now we’ve let him walk outside although he is not very good at holding hands! i can’t wait until we can gake him to the park properly which will be in a very long time, i imagine he will have outgrown his shoes by then.

it’s very weird parenting during this time and we are trying to make the best of a weird and surreal situation. with easter being next weekend, a time we usually try and do something for if not see friends and family, will be spent at home with a pretty minimal effort egg hunt around the flat. i’m sure we will find a good film to watch and enjoy a lovely dinner together for a family. hopefully adam will be feeling up to a walk too.
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