For the longest time our family have wanted a pet but living in a flat and just generally not having a huge amount of space indoors or any private outdoor space I was resigned to waiting until we moved. However, that just doesn’t feel like it’s going to be anytime soon. Felix is now a little older that he can understand how to behave a little better around a pet and so we had been looking into it for a while. We found a lovely family that had just had a litter of black and white kittens that were looking to go to loving, forever homes which is where we found Lilith.
Lilith has only been with us for just under a week but has already fitted right into family life and it just feels like it was the right time for us all. I believe she’s around eleven weeks old now and has had no problem adjusting to a new environment. Coming from a family home she was used to being handled, petted and played with by children which was a huge plus for us. We will be keeping her as a house cat due to being in a flat so trying to make sure she has plenty of things to play with. She took to using her litter trays really well and is eating and drinking as expected. Honestly, we’ve yet to have any issues with her.

I was very nervous about how she would settle in because of the change of environment but she’s really done well. At night time I have been leaving the living room and my bedroom doors open so she can still find me but also so she has access to space if she needs it. When I head to bed she has been following me into the bedroom and having a bit of a play but hasn’t been any trouble. I often wake in the night to find her curled up near the end of the bed or being woken up to having my toes attacked. She seems attached to me as I am the one putting her food out in the morning but this has lead to her curling up beside me for her day time naps unless Felix is here. Lilith will often follow Felix around as he loves playing with her and during her nap times she will sometimes go and sit next to him to fall asleep where he will gently share his blanket with her. It’s completely adorable.

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