I have been working from home now full time since April 2015 and even though I’ve changed course a little bit and do things differently to when I first started, I wanted to share some of the things that allow me to do this and still make sure my family have food on the table, holidays to enjoy and heating in the home.
One of the most common questions I get asked when someone says how much money can I make working from home? And I always give the same answer. You can make as much as you want, everyone is given the exact same opportunity but the people that treat it like a business, are consistent and persistent with it are the ones that generate a full time wage from it.
So really you are key in this. Making money from home will require work, planning, organisation, sacrifices and your time. However it can be really rewarding.
You need to ask yourself what kind of work do I want to do from home?
How can I make money on Facebook and Instagram?
A lot of people find using social media to be a desirable way to earn money from home and it can be done. A lot of this is through working with brands and sharing products that you love and use in your life as well as a witty caption and an attractive photo. I’ve seen so many wonderful businesses grow thanks to social media from creative candle makers to retailers to selling art. Social media influencing can be an incredible way to earn a living from home.
Social media influencing usually involves working with a brand that wants to promote a specific product, for example, you might be a health and wellness person talking about the benefits of vitamins so working with a gummy manufacturer might be a product that your followers want to know more about.
I personally love to read and sharing my book reviews on Instagram has lead to me working with book sellers to read early advanced copies and whilst that isn’t payment, it’s given me the opportunity to read the work of some of my favourite authors prior to release and that in turn has also saved me money as I’ve not had to buy the books I’ve wanted to read.
How can I make money from writing?

There are lots of fantastic writing jobs you can do from home. In fact there are even writing jobs being advertised on job hunting websites such as Indeed. Why not write up your CV to show your interested in writing for a living and give some examples of your writing projects?
You can also join sites like Freelancer which offer paid writing jobs. Start with the smaller, less paid jobs to gain experience and good reviews and then you can work up to the bigger, better paid jobs and start making this a regular income booster. This does take time, you will need to set yourself a good few hours to get the work done and the lower paid jobs often require a very quick turnaround.
A great way to start writing and getting your voice known is through blogging. I started my blog through WordPress and have been blogging on and off for around five years now. I’ve been blogging on Candyfloss & Dreams for almost three years and I love it. I love being able to get paid for expressing my opinions and (hopefully) writing content others find useful and inspiring. I enjoy getting paid for writing articles and putting my stamp on them. There are lots of blogging opportunities, support groups and success stories where writers have seen there blog go from strength to strength. If you want to make money from blogging then the first thing you need to do is start working on building connections and getting your blog link out there. Most bloggers get paid depending on the audience and how influential they and having a high domain authority or DA is a good indication of how reliable and useful your website is. Do some research on how to increase your domain authority and then set yourself an aim and work on following the tips to get it. Start connecting with other bloggers, commenting on their posts and making your stamp. This will bring other bloggers back to you to connect with you.
Don’t just go for the massive huff post featured bloggers though, start with bloggers around the same size as you and connect with them. Not only will you start getting traffic to your blog but you will also start building some lasting friendships and bringing in an audience that really care about what you have to say. Join some groups on Facebook that give you tips and tricks on how to make your blog successful and also allow you to connect with other bloggers from all around the world. One of the most important things you need to do when working from home is form a network of people and connect with them. This will increase your engagement and give you that social boost which is one of the main reasons people enjoy being employed.
Can you make money from blogging? Absolutely, if you are serious about turning it into a business but like anything it takes dedication, work and patience. Joining communities like bloggers required will give you jobs you can apply for which often give you payment or products to use and keep. Look for small, local businesses in your area and contact them. Say who you are and what you do and that you would love to feature them. It may take a bit of time doing your work for free but it’s important to get your name out there and get companies and brands to trust you. Writing informative and interesting content will get brands to come to you but remember to stay firm and stay true to yourself. Perhaps, if you have the money, you could attend a blogger conference to interact with other bloggers, brands and business people which will build up valuable connections and relationships. There are also some great tips on how to make your blog popular.

How can I make money writing reviews?
Having a blog is a great place to start reviewing the products you already use and love however by joining an online community like Ciao! you can also start getting paid for them. I have been writing reviews for Ciao! for a long time now and it has really helped give us a bit of extra saving money. The run monthly competitions with cash prizes too. I recently won £15 for one review I wrote and it was awarded a lovely little diamond which made me feel great about myself and my abilities. In December I had a pay in of £97 just in time for Christmas which covered some last minute presents, a day out for me and the family and some extra Christmas goodies. Again, the key thing is connecting with others. The key to getting paid through this website is writing a good quality review which makes others give you feedback, you should always try and return this feedback and rate other reviews.
I personally recommend a quality review of a minimum 350-500 words every day and then spend 30 minutes commenting and rating other people’s reviews. This will get them to rate you back and the higher rating your review has the more money it gets. A good tip if you work full time and worry you won’t have the time to do this is to set yourself a couple of hours at the weekend to type up your reviews on a word document so you can just copy and paste each day and then spend 30 minutes in the evening, whilst you’re watching your soaps or unwinding rating others work.
What are the pro’s of working from home?
Once you’ve started working for yourself or working from home you start to see the potential. Personally, I love that if I’m sick or my daughters sick I can still work, I don’t have to give reasons to a boss that doesn’t care or will give me consequences for taking time off. I don’t have to book time off to go on holiday or to take a day off, I set my own schedule and having that kind of control over my life is really liberating.
- More Time
- More Money
- Quality Family Time
- Freedom
- Control
- Social life
- Personal Development
I received a lot of help thanks to female entrepreneur week and I wanted to give back to my readers.

Great post! Keep those in mind.
Casually Alluring