Whale watching is a magical experience to say the least. After all, you’re getting closer to nature and the source of all life: water. Whale Watching cruises can give you some of the most interesting photography opportunities that you couldn’t otherwise get.
That being said, whale photography is challenging, even for those who have been doing it for their whole lives, professionally. They are playing with motion, focus, lighting and a rocking vessel as they try to get the perfect picture.
But that doesn’t mean that you should stop trying to go for that perfect shot. There are a variety of whales that you can spot while on a whale watching cruise. You can even get the photo opportunities that you can take advantage of, using your smartphone’s camera.
Here are some of the opportunities that you may get out of a whale watching cruise.
Breach of The Humpback Whale
The Humpback whales are a majestic species that go north to the sub-tropical waters where they will be giving birth to their young. From November through March, these amazing creatures feed on krill in the Antarctic waters. Their migration of thousands of kilometres attracts many whale watchers to coastal towns to observe their mesmerizing breaches of the water surface.
A whale watching cruise is the perfect place to capture one of these spectacular breaches of the water when they lift their gigantic bodies out of the surface and come back down with a splash. It’s an exciting moment that you can immortalize on camera when you’re on a whale watching cruise.
Baby Whale and Mother
There’s nothing that comes quite as close to a baby whale and a mother making their way to different waters to continue feeding on krill and other microscopic wildlife. Humpbacks that are travelling to the Antarctic to feed on Krill, make their way through the eastern Australian shores. That’s where these majestic creatures can be caught on film with their young calves.
These groups of Humpbacks come through to Hervey Bay and similar areas at this time to stop and socialize. The order that they follow are older juveniles, followed by older and mature males and then mothers with their calves. The third of these is what you are after in your photography shots with OzWhale Watching cruises.
The Rare Migaloo
Capturing this fantastic and majestic beast is a rarity. The Migaloo is a completely white whale that was first seen in 1991 in Byron Bay, Australia. It’s a humpback male that was estimated to have been born in 1986.
The song of the Migaloo was first recorded back in 1998 and the melodic nature of the song was convincing for researchers that he was in fact a male. Later skin samples confirmed this. It’s very rare, but a possibility, to photograph this unique creature while on a whale watching cruise.
The Blue Whale
You can also photograph the world’s largest mammals in Australian waters while on a whale watching cruise. You need to be alert and aware to search for the perfect moment to capture them on film.
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