Having a new baby in the home is getting us all so excited and, having a few years of parenting behind me, I know that there isn’t actually a lot of things we will need for this baby. However, we’ve made a few decisions which mean some things are going to be more expensive than others.
- We plan to be a bit more eco-friendly this time with reusable nappies, flush-able liners, biodegradable wipes and more Eco-friendly disposable nappies for any ‘just in case’ moments. I also want to use reusable wet wipes more than disposable ones.
- I want to breastfeed, and whilst I also plan to express, I don’t want to go and buy any formula or bottle feeding essentials because I want to focus on feeding myself and just using one or two bottles of expressed breast milk
- Babies don’t really need a lot of stuff. Somewhere safe to sleep, a pram and clothes are pretty much are basic essentials. Plus, we don’t have a lot of room for big toys, especially when they won’t be using it
A new baby really just wants to feel safe, secure, clean and fed and that is absolutely what we will be focusing on. That being said there are still a few more luxurious items that I like the look of and so have created an Amazon new baby wishlist. I think this is a great way to keep on track what I want to buy, what I have already bought and if any family members or friends kindly offer something then we have a place to refer to when it comes to what we need.
Below, the products items may feature affiliate links which enable me to make a small commission should any products be bought, however, this is never at any cost to you, my readers.
Reusable Nappies & Wipes for a new baby
I am super conscious of how much extra waste a new baby will bring so I am trying to do a little bit more for the environment and look for more biodegradable and reusable options.

This includes reusable nappies and wipes. I spoke to my mum about this and at first she was wasn’t convinced but after showing her some of the gorgeous designs and companies around that supply these nappies, how they save you money and how they last longer she was really on board. I am liking the idea of the all-in-ones and have had some brilliant recommendations from friends.

With reusable nappies comes the need for a lidded nappy bin and laundry mesh bag which will really come in handy as well as having lots of extra flushable, disposable liners.

Then we can pop in the dirty nappies and wash them in one go. We have a dryer at home and we have a place to hang wet inserts and covers to dry too as I’ve heard they can become less absorbent over time in a dryer. I worry a bit about them shrinking too which is something we don’t want!

However, it is an expensive outlay cost so whilst we are building up our collection I would like to try some more eco-friendly and less chemically enhanced nappies like Naty and Bamboo.

I have heard and seen amazing things about Cheeky Wipes so I am super keen to get my hand on a set. I think I want to try the bamboo wipes as I’ve heard they’re super absorbant. Other positives I’ve heard are that they’re easy to clean and fresh wipes smell amazing.

The kit comes with all you need to get started and, they can be used for sticky hands and faces. Evie still uses wet wipes. I love that the cheeky wipes come with a few essential oils too for keeping clean wipes smelling lovely and dirty wipes not smelling so terrible. Again, these come with a laundry mesh bag which can be popped in the washing machine along with the reusable nappies and as they’re nice and small I think they will dry really quickly. We will probably aim for getting two sets of the actual wipes, one ready to use for hands and faces and one for nappy changes.

I also think it will be good to have some disposable wipes on hand just to try things out and I am really glad to have found these 100% biodegradable wet wipes. I think with these sorts of things its a try it and see so I’m hoping to mostly use the reusable cheeky wipes alongside with, mostly, reusable nappies.

A changing bag for getting out the house is obviously something we will be needing and this, really, is more for me. I love Owls so much and so this changing bag is absolutely gorgeous and suitable for anyone carrying the bag (basically, Adam said he’d get a man bag if I got pink lining Yummy Mummy one so we’ve compromised)

Transporting a new baby
It does seem like a travel system is the most cost effective way of getting a carrycot, forward/parent facing and car seat all in one pram. There are so many we love the look of and have had a look around a few different mothercare stores to get a feel for what we like. Adam wants a height adjustable handle, I want something that folds down small and from what we’ve seen from the Mothercare Journey Travel System it ticks all the boxes. Plus for under ยฃ300 and coming with a newborn safe car seat we are getting our monies worth. Despite not having a car, of course, but if we do leave the house with family and friends and to avoid getting the bus home after labor with a new baby having a car seat is kind of an essential.

I also really want to use a sling and was recommended the Funky Flamingo sling from a friend recently who said it was amazing, supportive and so comfortable. I love the look of this and I feel like this will be a great option for us. I didn’t have a carrier or do any baby wearing with Evangeline when she was little so I’m looking forward to doing it more with this one.

Where a new baby sleeps
I’ve spoken to so many people about which cot side crib is better and I’ve had a really positive response about the Chicco Next2Me and the Snuzpod. I’m still a little undecided on which one to actually go for because I haven’t seen a Snuzpod in a store yet to get a better idea on the size. I do, however, really like the width of the Chicco Next2Me bedside cot and I’m hoping this will last us quite a bit of time.

I like the look of the Cuddle Nest baby pod and have heard a lot of good things about these. In all fairness, I’d like an adult sized one for me to be honest.

With a bed of course comes the need for a mattress protector, fitted sheets and a blanket. This looks like a super cosy swaddle wrap blanket and I think there seems to be a theme going on here with the grey and white. I have to admit I’m actually loving the grey and white and the stars add a lovely bedtime touch.

I love this cotton star motif blanket which will be great for the pram and car seat. Blankets do get mucky and it’s always good to have a few spares I think.

We all have a super soft fluffy blanket in the home so it’s only fair this little baby gets one too.

I also love the look of the Chicco Next2 Stars baby nightlight which I am sure will be a nice comfort.

Bathing Essentials for a new baby
I was thinking about getting a baby bath and changing unit because we have the space in our bathroom and it will be great for storage but I think we are just going to go with a nice unit that can hold all the changing equipment we need. I love this unit, it’s a great price, a good size and will comfortably fit in our bathroom.

Other things we will be needing are a changing mat which can sit nice and snug at the top, plus it’s portable so I can move it into the living room if and when I need to. I want to avoid doing this though because no matter where we are in the flat it’s just as easy to get in the bathroom with a dirty baby than having everything in the living room. With a decent sized bathroom I want to take advantage of the space.

I am also absolutely loving the Child’s Farm baby products. They smell absolutely amazing and I’ve used them with Evie. I much prefer them to other products because they’re nice and natural and great for sensitive baby skin. They are commonly available in Boots, Asda, Waitrose and other supermarkets. They are a little more expensive than some other brands but they’re excellent quality and I love them. I’ve not tried the nappy rash cream yet but I know it will be a great essential to have.

I also love the look and have read so many positive reviews about the Cuddledry Hands Free towel for babies. It looks so soft and cosy and the hands free means you can easily get baby snuggled up and dry quickly.

For use in the bath and because they’re practical really and we don’t have one is this little bath mat. I just like it. It’s not really an essential but I suppose will make bathing more comfortable and will stop me slipping a little bit!

Other new baby essentials
I’ve mentioned before that I want to breastfeed and that I hope to express. I already have a single electric breast pump to help with this from Lansinoh and I’m hoping I can pump enough breast milk to store for the odd few bottle feeds too. Breast milk storage bags are going to be a handy essential for this as they are freezer safe and just having a bag in the fridge will hopefully help with this. Of course, there’s no guarantee baby will take a bottle so we are planning to introduce a bottle feed fairly early on to try and encourage this.

Muslin squares are of course an essential as they are so handy when feeding, burping, playing with, cleaning up a new baby and all sorts. I am sure we will have a lot of these around the flat, in changing bags, by the bed and changing unit most of the time but having a few nice ones to look at for visual development and as a sensory aid for a new baby are a nice touch.

Reusable breast pads are going to come in handy for me, and again, if I can get something reusable I want to give it a try just to save a bit of money really and again help cut back on waste. These bamboo reusable ones look great.

Lansinoh lanolin nipple cream will be an essential for me during those first few weeks breastfeeding. It was amazing help with Evie plus it can work absolute wonders on cracked heels. Always good to use something that has multi-uses.
MAM dummies. I’ve heard good things about MAM for dummies and they have an anti-colic bottle range too. These just look really cute.

Whilst having an electric steam steriliser is a bulky option for the minimal amount of bottle feeding, and apparently not needed with breastmilk – I didn’t know this! But, I would prefer to have one to make sure any bottles we do use and dummies are nice and clean.

A play mat or play gym is the only toy we are considering buying and I suppose it’s not really a toy but a place I can give the baby some tummy time and lots of lovely things to touch and feel as they get more active. I love this Lamaze one with a bit of a support pillow, beautiful colours and textures.

As I said above I’ve added all of these to my Amazon wishlist so I can tick off everything as we go through and get bits and pieces over the next few months. It’s an exciting time and whilst we don’t need everything on the list right now, or even before this new baby is here, it would help me to feel a little more prepared to have a few of these items.
For more pregnancy content please head to my hub post which contains links to all my relevant pregnancy based blog posts. My second High Bmi Pregnancy.
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