It’s half term and Evie has returned from her dads which means the job of keeping her entertained during this cold half term is now down to me. We experienced a lovely holiday to Disneyland a couple of years ago during the February break but since then we’ve made the most of time together at home. I was so pleased when I was offered the chance to review the Cozy Cats set from Fuzzikins Crafts as I just new it would be something Evie would love doing. She absolutely loves cats and pairing it with making something and colouring is a genius idea. I think February half term can usually be quite hit and miss so having some fun and easy to do crafts and activities is ideal.
The Cozy Cats set comes with a small family of three cats, which Evie has decided is a mum, dad and a baby. The set also includes three bedding sets which you can make up so you can put the cute cats to bed. The bedding is made of felt and requires no sewing to make the little beds up ready to get them tucked in. There are also some little fish and heart stickers and each cat comes with perfectly sized eye masks to cover the cute little kitty’s as they sleep. We also had three pens, a grey, orange and pink pen, to colour in the cats and give them a little detail.
At first the cats are plain white with a fuzzy feeling material over their bodies which helps make it easy to colour them in. The heads move around and each cat can sit up on their own making them great little play toys to add to your child’s other characters. The little felt beds are quick and easy to put together, requiring no sewing, no scissors and no mess. For each bed you simply push the tabs through the ready made holes to make a pillow and pouch that each cat can fit in. Evie has chosen to decorate her eye masks and beds with the fish and heart stickers. She even let me colour one in which was a nice surprise.
Altogether we had about an hour of colouring and creating the Cozy Cats which was a lot of fun for Evie. She was so excited to open up the box and start using it straight away. She has now coloured them all in completely pink which is very fitting – Evie does love pink! She has decided that the small family of Cozy Cats is our family and throughout the day has trusted Adam and I to take care of them – so far, I think we’ve done okay!
I really liked doing this Fuzzikins Craft set with Evie because the Cozy Cats are really cute and it was really simple. I am not very good when it comes to creating things and prefer to follow a guide or instructions which makes this sort of set ideal. I particularly love that it is mess free creative play and something that Evie can continue playing with amongst her other toys unlike some craft kits that seem to be sort of finished with when you’ve made them. I would highly recommend the Fuzzikins Cozy Cats set for any cat and craft lovers this half term!
The set is for children aged 4 years +. Other sets by Interplay also include Dozy Dogs and Cottontail Cottage with Rabbits. It’s available from John Lewis and Amazon with an RRP of £9.99.
Disclaimer: We received the box of Cozy Cats in exchange for this feature and review. All opinions remain my own.
Aw how cute! I love their little eye masks. They look like a lovely activity and I think Evie has done an awesome job in decorating them 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing with #TheGreatToyReveal x
These are cute! Those little beds and eye masks! I’m sure our cats wouldn’t look like cats after ‘decoration’ as Tink can’t draw at all, but Evie’s look fab! #TheGreatToyReveal