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Felix is of the age now where, if he had his own room, I’d be changing things around a little bit to update his would be nursery to a toddler approved bedroom. I think there are a few things that you can keep the same from baby to teen to enable seamless transitions as your child gets older. Then with each stage or room makeover only a few things need changing rather than a complete overhaul.

Wood flooring can help with this because you can just style a room with a rug which is more fitting for the child’s age and interests. I know toddlers can be a little accident prone so if you’re worried about falling out of the bed onto hard flooring then a rug near the bed and a bed guard can help put your mind at ease. We purposely got a cot to cotbed where we could remove one of the sides for Felix as that would help with the transition from toddler to bigger bed when we move and he gets his own room.

Keeping the walls clear and a neutral colour can really help and can be decorated with wall stickers, peel and stick murals, frames and prints for a bit of colour. Again these can be replaced or reframed as a child gets older and peel and stick wall stickers can add a bit of personality to the place. Whilst big, bold colours can look great if you want to redecorate and paint over a dark colour it’s going to take longer and increase the amount of work you need to do to change a room. Also, if you’re in rented accomodation and can’t decorate wall stickers are usually safe as they don’t damage the walls and can be removed easily.
Fun, colourful storage can hold toys through the childhood years but can be repurposed for older children and teenagers for their interests and hobbys. The can be passed down to other children or used in other various places around the house. These are usually relatively cheap and easy to replace should they break or get damaged but I’ve found if treated well for storage can last years.
Do you have any top tips for updating a bedroom?
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