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I have always loved books and been an avid reader, but for my daughter it’s much more of a challenge. She lacks the patience to sit in and escape into a new world and so I’ve been looking for ways to encourage her to read, learn and continue putting her mind at work. Evie is really practical and has an excellent memory (unless it’s remembering if she tidied her bedroom!) so I’ve found books that teach her facts, skills or workbooks are the best kind for her to read. She loves a magazine as it’s full of stories and activities and we’ve found several comics on her kindle that she can read and absorb the pictures easily. Looking through the vast amount of books that Usborne Books offers there are plenty in this category that allow my daughter to find new ways to challenge her.
There are a great range of resources for home learning too with encylopedias and practical workbooks to choose from. One Evangeline recently recieved focused on anxiety which is something she has and is perfect for everything going on at the moment. It’s full of advice and practical activities for children to do to help guide and understand their emotions at such a surreal time. The unworry book has plenty of mindfullness and emotional based activities which was presented really well.
My son, however, still being very little at 20 months, absolutely loves books. He loves having stories read to him and fully engages with any book that includes moving pictures, lift the flap or textures. We have a few from usborne books that include these sort of features. He particularly loves the ‘Are You There Little (baby animal)’ we have Fox and Tiger. I am hoping to continue his enjoyument he gets from books by using the picture books Evie had as a child.

There are lots of ways to encourage a love of books in your children and I think it’s about finding the right format. Usborne Books has a great range of fiction, activity and non-fiction books for children of all ages and bound to be something for every child. If physical books are something your child struggles with then I encourage you to consider other media. Audibooks, ebooks or non fiction, instruction lead books might be a way of encouraging your child to read but something that feels important or interesting to them.

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