When schools closed in the UK due to the pandemic I kind of prepared myself for doing this long term. We are not home schooling right now, it’s not worth the arguments and quite frankly I am not in the mood or motivated enough to dedicate my day to fun filled home schooling. Some parents have been, which is amazing, some kids are back at school and having a great time. Some kids are kind of caught in the middle, like my nine year old daughter.
Evie is supposed to be in year 4, approaching year 5. She’s not one of the year groups the school is open to and we are not key workers. I don’t mind her being her really, so I’m find with her being off until September. I know she’ll catch up, I know we will probably be doing a mix of blended learning next term aswell as she starts year five. I’m not really worried about her education at her age.
However, I thought it might be helpful to share the stuff we are doing for very laid back crisis schooling that Evie is enjoying. It’s pretty parents hands off rather than helping with the odd question, Evie can follow the instructions well enough and it’s keeping her busy and occupied. Our schooling time is generally between 9-1pm with some breaks.
Evie does the three daily lessons for year 4 on BBC bitesize
Two pages of five workbooks which include comprehension, telling the time, decimals and fractions, French and grammar and punctation.
Reading around ten pages of a book a day
Playing a maths game like timestables rockstars
Two Mrs Wordsmith word-building sheets
Mindfullness colouring/emotional learning
Topic – the tudors where we use the home school learning pack
We need to get out for more walks really and aiming to do this daily for 30 minutes.
This allows me to get what I need to do, done and occupy Felix. Adam usually helps her with the maths questions and we are able to check her work after aswell. It’s not perfect, but it is something.
Over the summer holidays we won’t be doing some big school catch up thing but we will continue with some of the things, mostly the mindfullness, reading and maths games. I don’t want to stop doing everything because the days will be very long and boring but I don’t want to continue focusing on school work and lessons. I want to take the pressure off a bit and have more flexibility. That being said, Evie will hopefully be going to her dads in July and August as more things are opening up which will be so good for her.
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