Trigger warning: Suicidal thoughts, self harm and very poor mental health. I have always spoken about my struggles with my mental health and wellbeing on this blog so it is of no surprise I’m sure to any regular reader that I suffer with anxiety and depression. I’ve been in denial about depression previously but I […]
Mental Health and Life Update – September 2022
It saddens me that a genuine post hasn’t come from the heart here for such a long time. I remember reading in various blogging groups I was in years ago that talked about how people would go to find a blog they used to love and see that it hadn’t been updated and I always […]
Neurodivergent Self Diagnosis is Valid
For the last year or so I have opened up to friends and family, as well as writing about it here, that I think I am autistic and have adhd. I’ve talked before on my blog about my mental health and battles with low mood and anxiety but last year something really clicked for me […]
Could it be ADHD? Seeking an ADHD Diagnosis in my Thirties
Do I have ADHD? I am currently on the waiting list for an assessment and seeking an ADHD diagnosis from the mental health and psychiatry team. Although it never occured to me before until I recently read a post by my blogger friend Louise who started sharing her diagnosis with ADHD, or ADD for some […]
#WorldMentalHealthDay – My Story
I’ve already read so many inspirational stories today for #WorldMentalHealthDay that are encouraging, supportive and so emotionally brave. I wanted to put words to post myself and share something meaningful. Something I hope will help others too. Mental Health affects us all, whether we’re suffering or smiling, or we are watching a family member go […]